House Rental Lease Agreement

Thank you for your interest in renting the house at [Address] (“House”) from [Start.Date] to [End.Date] for the period [Start.Date]. Please go over the terms and conditions of this House Rental Lease Agreement carefully before signing. The signatures of both parties mentioned in this House Rental Lease Agreement will bind them to a legally valid contract, therefore if you want to sign, be sure to speak with a lawyer first.

Terms & Conditions

Rental agreement. For the duration of this House Rental Lease Agreement, First Name Surname (“Owner”) agrees to rent the house located at [Address] to (“Renter”).

Term of lease. The rental term will start on [Start. Date] and end on [End.Date].

Rent. Renter agrees to pay [Total. Rent] in exchange for the use of the House under the conditions of this House Rental Lease Agreement, payable as follows: $1,155.00. Payments will be made by [Paynment.Method] to First Name Surname on or before the due date(s) set forth above. Late payments will result in [Last. Payment] returned checks will result in [Returned.ChequeComsequence].

A security deposit is required. On the day this House Rental Lease Agreement is completed, Renter will pay Owner a security deposit of $[Amount]. It will be returned in a clean and undamaged state, subject to normal wear and tear, upon surrender of the House. The Owner will itemise any use of the security deposit to repay the Owner for extraordinary cleaning costs or repairs when the security deposit is returned.

Occupants. The maximum number of occupants of the House is [Number]. Any unauthorized guests beyond that number will incur an additional charge of $[Amount] per guest per day.

Assumption of risk and liability. Renter agrees to hold Owner harmless from any injury, responsibility, damage, or cost that Renter, or Renter's guests, may incur due to their occupancy of the House or its surrounding regions, and Renter assumes all risks connected with that occupation.

Rules and Regulations. Renter will abide by the Rules and Regulations for the House, a list of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Keys. The Owner, not the Renter, owns the keys to the house. No reproductions are permitted, and keys must be returned to the Owner upon the termination of this rental agreement and before the release of the security deposit.

Additional provisions. Additional provisions to this Agreement are the following.

Exhibit A

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis nulla arcu, sit amet sollicitudin enim fermentum et. Praesent sodales convallis mollis. Suspendisse pharetra ac nibh eget blandit. In non elit in nisl faucibus ultrices. Etiam sollicitudin et leo ut rhoncus. Aliquam nec nunc vel nisi finibus mollis. In libero urna, pretium at sagittis sed, feugiat ac enim.

Maecenas vulputate metus eu lobortis ultrices. Nulla eget dui in felis molestie aliquet sed nec nulla. Nunc in sagittis justo, consequat sollicitudin nunc. Ut sed nulla et magna luctus venenatis a et magna. Integer tellus erat, finibus ac ullamcorper in, pulvinar non sapien. Nunc tempus enim nunc, vitae rhoncus nunc lobortis interdum. Donec erat dolor, dapibus eu malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin non sem. Morbi sapien mauris, volutpat eu tempor suscipit, interdum id metus. In ac sem ipsum. Nulla sollicitudin lorem dolor, nec luctus neque tempus quis. Nulla dictum rutrum lobortis. Nullam gravida mollis turpis a ullamcorper. Mauris ut ultricies erat. Mauris massa libero, dictum vitae malesuada eget, lobortis et elit. Ut tristique, mi sed rhoncus consectetur, dolor nisl facilisis nulla, quis imperdiet elit urna sed ex. Quisque id mi at sapien tristique efficitur.

Additional Provisions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis nulla arcu, sit amet sollicitudin enim fermentum et. Praesent sodales convallis mollis. Suspendisse pharetra ac nibh eget blandit. In non elit in nisl faucibus ultrices. Etiam sollicitudin et leo ut rhoncus. Aliquam nec nunc vel nisi finibus mollis. In libero urna, pretium at sagittis sed, feugiat ac enim.

Maecenas vulputate metus eu lobortis ultrices. Nulla eget dui in felis molestie aliquet sed nec nulla. Nunc in sagittis justo, consequat sollicitudin nunc. Ut sed nulla et magna luctus venenatis a et magna. Integer tellus erat, finibus ac ullamcorper in, pulvinar non sapien. Nunc tempus enim nunc, vitae rhoncus nunc lobortis interdum. Donec erat dolor, dapibus eu malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin non sem. Morbi sapien mauris, volutpat eu tempor suscipit, interdum id metus. In ac sem ipsum. Nulla sollicitudin lorem dolor, nec luctus neque tempus quis. Nulla dictum rutrum lobortis. Nullam gravida mollis turpis a ullamcorper. Mauris ut ultricies erat. Mauris massa libero, dictum vitae malesuada eget, lobortis et elit. Ut tristique, mi sed rhoncus consectetur, dolor nisl facilisis nulla, quis imperdiet elit urna sed ex. Quisque id mi at sapien tristique efficitur.

So what's it going to cost







Property Address
7 150.00 1,050.00 105.00 1,155.00

Entire agreement.  This House Rental Lease Agreement, including all attachments (if any), is the entire agreement between the Owner and the Renter.  Any changes must be in writing and signed by both parties.

Signed By:
Signed By: