undefined - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration 06a6cdda-2e0c-4345-a3de-6be30f5393ad

Making a Data Item Mandatory (*)

Some input fields in a form may be required when a sales quote recipient approves your sales quote. This user guide explains how to make an input field mandatory before a sales quote can be approved. 

First, start by adding a form to a sales quote in the Sales Quote Editor.

Click on the + button located between every content block while working in the Sales Quote Editor and then select Form at the very bottom.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration cd5d1eef-e67c-4e50-ba91-70641167e038

A new form block will be added and a content editor toolbar will appear at the top of the Sales Quote Editor.

To begin inserting a data field onto a form within a field set, click on the Add Field button located between every content block while working in the Sales Quote Editor.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration f1a9e2f7-2f02-4926-8870-09bd06116de8

A selection box will now appear, as shown below. You can also select from the slide-out options if you click Forms on the right hand banner.

This selection box will display the available types of input data fields that can be inserted into a form. These are:

FieldSet - used to group a set of input fields to allow columns of input fields to be configured, and also allow multiple sets of data to be added by the sales quote recipient, e.g. enter the first name, last name, gender of students attending a course, the form would be required to allow multiple students attending.

Content Block - a text block added inside the form to provide the sales quote recipient instructions when completing a form.

Text - alpha/numeric "text" input field type

Number - numeric values only

Checkbox - a single tick box, e.g. "tick here to accept our terms and conditions"

Checkbox Group - a list of options where the sales quote recipient can select more than one option

Select - a drop-down list of values where a sales quote recipient can select a value

Text Area - an alpha/numeric input field type that allows more than one line of text, e.g. a comments input field in a form

Radio - a list of options where the sales quote recipient can only select one value from the list

Date - date value, with a calendar popup

Time - time value - with a time (clock) selector popup

Date and Time - Date and time input field with calendar/time selector popup

Address - address input field type

File Upload - The file upload feature will allow sales quote recipients to attach files to a form they submit when completing a form

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration 99779d6c-2e85-4a89-b9f7-861200578edb

After inserting an input field, the sales consultant can adjust the label of the input field by clicking on the Text label. Overtype the default label that appears with a suitable label for your input field; for example (as shown below), the text label has been changed to First Name.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration 2658621b-a3a7-41e2-bbfc-60342ceaa25f

To change the field to mandatory, click on the Settings cog button for the relevant fields.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration fe82443a-112b-4275-bd16-4dda1d19ebb3

Here you can restrict the field inputs and also check the Is Required box and click Save.

QuoteCloud - Sales Quote, Sales Proposal and Contracts Software - Making a Data Item Mandatory (*) - illustration ffc054e5-1249-4e2c-84ea-ed74ed12c64a

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